The Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali
"The real purpose of the search for Truth is to liberate oneself. The yearning must be deep and persistent. The Ionging to know and experience the Truth will then become a Yoga, a process of Union."
Sri Sathya Sai Baba
"Can thirst be quenched by water droplets or hunger appeased by grains of rice? The realization of the Truth of Creation and the Creator involves hard discipline and steady faith in the paths prescribed by the sages. These paths Iead men to the goal through inquiry, devotion, dedicated work, meditation, worship and other such disciplines.
There is the process of Yoga, which is being widely advocated nowadays as a means for self-realization available to practitioners. lt is being taught and propagatedas a sure and simple means of Liberation. Novices and common folk are misled by the high promises, and they have tobe warned in time of the Iimits and possibilities of Yoga, as now taught and propounded.
The very first axiom of Yoga as a spiritual discipline, is to conquer the agitations of the mind. However, this is more easily said than done, for the mind has tobe dead, not dormant. Of course, there arepersans who have achieved this victory, but none of them will be available to you for guidance in mind-control or mind-conquest. They would be sosunk in ananda (bliss) thatthe demands of the body, the time,the causal chain etc. can never reach them.
What can be expected from a teacher of Yoga is only a diluted, limited, pseudo type of Yoga-darsana, for only those who have stopped half-way in the path of Yoga will come torwardas instructors and guides. When one has gone the entire length of the road, one has perforce to leave the world and its needs behind."
Sathya Sai Baba