Who will SAVE the World

This book is a surprise. Few knew that Arun wrote stories at a young age, edited books and served as chief editor of a serious magazine.
“The book “Who will SAVE the World”," says Arun Pabari, "was inspired by Swami. It is written primarily for people who want to discover Swami."
It could also be described as a spiritual thrill or a spiritual adventure book. The story is about Dobesee, a young man who grew up with adoptive parents. His parents gave him up for adoption because, as young students, they could not provide him with a safe and secure childhood. The name Dobesee had been chosen by his mother so that if she ever met him, she would immediately recognise him as her son. The reader learns this background information in the second chapter and the meaning of the hero’s name is discovered towards the end of the book.
Dobesee's adventure starts right in the first chapter, when Dobesee seeks time off in Marseille. Here he learns that he has been chosen to avert a catastrophe. According to calculations by a Chinese laboratory, an asteroid will collide with the earth in 55 days. It seems that the informed governments are not ready or able to avert the disaster in time. Moreover, a dark power seems to have no interest in Dobesee mastering this challenge. Whenever people want to help him or give information, they all come into deadly danger. The tension arises because one identifies with the young hero and hopes with him that he will find a solution in time. His adventurous journey takes him to Lyon, Saudi Arabia, Israel and finally to various cities in India.

Buch Besprechung Deutsch

Gerade zum richtigen Zeitpunkt in der heutigen Weltlage erscheint Arun Pabaris Buch: „Who will SAVE the World“ (Wer wird die Welt retten). Darin erhält ein junger Mann namens Dobesee den ungeheuerlichen Auftrag den Weltretter zu finden, weil die Welt von einem Asteroiden aus dem Universum bedroht wird und kurzum vor dem Untergang steht. Der Protagonist begibt sich auf eine abenteuerliche Reise um den Weltretter zu finden. Als Wegweiser bekommt er rätselhafte Hinweise und Andeutungen, die ihn zu alten Prophezeiungen verschiedener Religionen führen und die Ankunft eines aussergewöhnlichen Wesens voraussagen. Nach einer abenteuerlichen und gefährlichen Reise voller action und Spannung findet er schliesslich den Weltretter. Mehr sei hier nicht verraten. Die spirituellen Botschaften von Swami sind gut verpackt. Der Leser erlebt eine spannende Kulturreise durch  viele Länder und erhält nebenbei auch Einblick in kulinarische Kostbarkeiten.

Empfohlen sei das Buch für alle, die fanatsy und science fiction mögen, aber auch besonders für diejenigen, die auf der Suche sind.

Artikelnummer: A1993
CHF 18.00
