Graciela Busto's conversations with her inner voice as expressed in her book Baba is Here, Conversations with God on His Omnipresence, is a beautiful example of how we can find remarkable guidance by turning within. This piece of illuminated writing is special, as most of us do not find inner guidance in such a clear and articulate way. There is much to gain from this writing, as it holds a strong and riech ring of Sathya Sai Baba's teachings and can inspire us, help us find direction, and give us confidence that when we turn inside we, too, can have a potent experience of the Lord's omnipresence.
These inner dialogues deal with the underlying nature of the universe and man's relationship to God. They explore the period prior to creation and prior to consciousness, providing· detailed information about the purpose of life itself. We find here answers to questions such as: If God is omnipresent, why is it necessary to invoke him? Is Iove indispensable in order to gain wisdom? Why doesn't God always respond to our prayers? How can you tell when someone has reached illumination? Why have we forgotten our origin?
Sai Baba is the universal teacher. He is accessible to anyone who asks him for guidance, and he lovingly answers every question. Baba is Here is a genuine expression of divine omnipresence.