Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a highly revered spiritual leader and world teacher, inspired millions of people throughout the world to turn Godward and to lead more purposeful and moral lives. Sathya Sai Baba’s basic teaching is to practice unconditional, selfless, pure love in all aspects of our lives and activities.
What did the 85-year lifespan of the world teacher and avatar Sathya Sai Baba accomplish in the world? The key stations of his life, the core points of his teaching and his work as a whole, with the individual aspects of EDUCARE, HEALTHCARE and SOCIOCARE, are presented in a compact overview. Two key discourses from 1968 and the famous interview that ai Baba granted the weekly magazine Blitz in 1976 – printed together for the first time here – complete the legacy this avatar of our age left behind for humanity.
The editors of the “Sathya Sai Letters” (a German periodical) have published a wonderful special edition on Sathya Sai Baba – a comprehensive reader on His life, His teachings and His works.
On each and every single of these 130 pages of this booklet the reader will sense that it has been written, designed and printed with great love and gratitude for Sathya Sai Baba.
Not only His life story is brought to life, but also His mission, His teachings and His works are delineated in detail. In connection with Sai Baba's own quotations every page of this booklet radiates profound wisdom.
A particular feature of this publication is the one and only interview Sathya Sai Baba granted a journalist. If the reader follows this interview and how it came about and what the extremely critical journalist experienced during the interview, he too will have the impression that Sai Baba was not looking for publicity at all, but lovingly created the occasion to transform another soul.
As a means to an end the reader will find a list of selected links to websites for further studies. This booklet also suits for sharing with friends and acquaintances who want to get to know more about Sathya Sai Baba, His life, His teachings and His works.